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Contact PLACE here.

  • Jennifer Obrien
    commented 2022-11-05 06:24:08 -0500
  • Alice Hiniker
    followed this page 2022-03-21 09:58:13 -0500
  • Ayan Abdi
    commented 2021-11-09 16:17:02 -0600
  • kelly pratt
    commented 2021-04-08 18:51:49 -0500
  • Hamdi Mohamud
    commented 2021-04-08 14:44:23 -0500
  • nimo muse
    commented 2021-02-09 14:55:59 -0600
  • Pinkesh Patel
    commented 2021-02-05 12:27:47 -0600
  • Ann Williams
    commented 2021-02-04 21:04:37 -0600
  • bryce hawkins
    commented 2017-07-01 04:20:14 -0500
  • Martin Knight
    commented 2017-07-01 03:18:19 -0500
    I have signed up but can not see the lions rugby
  • Michael Sullivan
    commented 2017-05-30 07:38:41 -0500
    I am inquiring about rules and PLACE fiscal sponsorship for a WAV fundraiser and I need some clarity. I am requesting a conversation with Elizabeth Bowling before I continue to get more people involved. Thanks.
  • Nathan Crymble
    commented 2017-05-22 09:03:55 -0500

    My name is Nathan Crymble and I am a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota business school. I happened across your website through a professional contact and have been following your progress for the past year. I love the concept of place and am working to build similar ideas in the Twin Cities. I was curious as to if anyone in your organization would be willing to meet for an informational interview to talk about your work and similar work in the area, such as Ecala Group’s City Hub. Thank you so much for your time and I hope to hear back from you soon.
  • Pat Hannon
    commented 2017-05-21 11:27:39 -0500
    Interested in your development in St Louis Park which offers affordable housing units. We are a set of 6 parents look I for affordable housing for our young adult children who have some special needs. They all work but need affordable housing in order to live independently. How can we be placed on your list for leasing? Would like to discuss our vision for this community of individuals who have a bond that goes back many years. I believe this group would fit your vision for this project.

    Thank you

    We would also become very involved in the community as well.
  • Dave Lorenzo
    commented 2017-05-02 10:13:26 -0500
    Chris, my name is Dave Lorenzo. I am with Assa Abloy, and am very interested in PLACE. I love the project ideals and goals, from a business perspective, but also from a personal point of view.

    My employer (Assa Abloy) supplies the products that people touch the most, in any building: doors and hardware. I feel passionately that we can be a terrific partner in ensuring that the products and services we provide will support and exceed the project’s goals and intentions.

    Sustainability is embedded in every aspect of the Assa Abloy value chain, from innovation to sourcing, manufacturing, logistics and energy use during operation and recycling at end of life.

    I would appreciate the opportunity to meet and discuss ways that we can provide value and collaborate with the project team through the entire lifecycle. Please contact me via email, [email protected], or mobile: 612.257.0519.

    Best regards,

    Dave Lorenzo, PMP

    Assa Abloy DSS

    email: [email protected]

    mobile: 612.257.0519.
  • Greg Lerud
    commented 2017-04-17 15:33:20 -0500
    The Shorewood City Council has issued an RFI for businesses, organizations, or individuals to partner with the city in increasing the vitality of the Southshore Center, a multi-purpose facility owned by the City. The city acquired full ownership this last January after sharing ownership responsibilities with four other cities over the past 20 years. The Council is looking to rebrand the building and operation to create an amenity that can either supplement activities in the adjacent city park, or be a destination in itself. We invite you to visit the city website, for a copy of the RFI. Please call me at (952) 490-7905 if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest.

    Greg Lerud

    Shorewood City Administrator
  • Amy Sundem
    commented 2017-03-31 11:28:44 -0500
    Contact me at 612-384-7305 or [email protected]
  • Amy Sundem
    commented 2017-03-31 11:27:34 -0500
    Hello! I am President of St. Louis Park’s annual summer festival, named Parktacular. Its June 15-18 this year, and we are looking for businesses to participate as a sponsor or as a participant in our Parade or our Business Expo. I would love to connect with someone on the St. Louis Park team to see how you could become involved, support the community, and drum up interest. Thank you!
  • Ellen Lipschultz
    commented 2017-02-19 13:18:50 -0600
    I cannot attend the meeting. I urge you to improve the traffic intersection. It is dangerous. I will elaborate if you dot already know about it.
  • Suresh Sreeni
    commented 2017-02-16 21:56:05 -0600
    Hi Chris

    It has been a while. Would be great to reconnect to explore working together. Best regards


  • Jim McDonough Jr., Ph.D.
    commented 2017-02-10 16:54:58 -0600
    Won’t be able to attend the Community Meeting on February 23, 2017. Pleased with the progress of the project i.e. environmental cleanup; SLP City Council support, Met Council support, etc. Looking forward to the ground breaking celebration. Update from The Park Theater Company – we now have our own 501©(3) non-profit status!
  • Hannah Swanson
    commented 2017-02-09 23:40:19 -0600
    I just recently discovered the work that you are doing in the Minneapolis communities and I am in love with your innovation, creativity, and care you are implementing! I am currently living in Michigan with many questions as to the work that you guys do! I was wondering if someone from the org. would be willing to have a phone/Skype conversation with me so that I can get a better understanding of the community development you guys do, as well as hear more about the organization itself. I am passionate about sustainable and creative community development, so I look forward to hearing from you!
  • Todd Jersey
    commented 2017-02-09 22:08:20 -0600
    Hi, I am trying to reach Christopher or Elizabeth. Its Todd Jersey, Architect in Berkeley. Can you please have one of them reach out to me as I have lost email addresses for them. Thanks. Todd
  • Carolyn Edlund
    commented 2017-02-01 10:09:20 -0600
    I am an art business blogger, publishing articles of interest for visual artists and makers. PLACE Team follows me on Twitter and has been very generous in sharing my articles. I checked out your website and see that you are involved in creative placemaking, with live/work space for artists. Would someone on your staff be interested in speaking with me for an article on this topic for my audience?
  • Kamala Nellen
    commented 2017-01-24 21:14:59 -0600
    looking for a live/work space in Ventura CA
  • Curtis Wilson
    commented 2016-11-16 11:38:48 -0600

    I’ve been turned on to you by my former colleague Zach Robinson. Currently I am working with SLP SEEDS as Community Food Project Director and would love to set up a time to meet and talk about collaborating.

    Who can I speak with about the direction of PLACE and SEEDS and our visions for the health of SLP?

    You can email or call, look forward to talking :D

    [email protected]


    Best regards,

  • Robin Luster-Cavlan
    commented 2016-09-25 18:34:07 -0500
    What volunteer opportunities do you have? I am currently a St Louis Park School District employee in the School Nutrition department. I live and work in St Louis Park and want to live in the proposed community planned here. I want to volunteer so that I can make that happen.
  • Robin Luster-Cavlan
    commented 2016-09-24 13:53:18 -0500
    Will there be below market rate housing available for seniors 55+ at the new St Louis Park location that is planned? f so how do I apply to live there?
  • Victor Roman
    commented 2016-09-21 21:19:59 -0500
    Hi there! My name is Victor Roman and I am a college student from North Central University in Minneapolis! I have been expanding my knowledge on non profit organizations recently, and I was wondering If I could perhaps set up a Skype interview with a “decision maker” in your business, such as Chris Velasco, Jonathan Pearlstein, or Elizabeth Bowling. I would like to ask a few questions regarding how the idea for place came about, what are some key components in keeping PLACE flowing smoothly and safely, and what the Goal of the company is, and what strides PLACE is taking to achieve them. I would prefer Skype or FaceTime, but i’ll even be grateful for a phone interview if you would be willing! thanks so much!
  • Jim McDonough Jr., Ph.D.
    commented 2016-06-20 16:50:26 -0500
    A Personal Invitation


    The Park Theater


    Affordable Live/Work Space for Artists

    Unique Spaces built to Artist Specs

    Common performance and gallery spaces

    Mixed use development – catering to Artists

    Transit-oriented – bike path and LRT access

    On site gardens and urban forest

    Environmentally sustainable

    Located in St. Louis Park

    A Community of Creatives

    Still dreaming?

    Make that dream a reality!

    Attend the PLACE Meeting at the SLP Fire Station One

    3750 Wooddale Ave So, SLP 55416

    Thursday – June 23 – 6-7:30pm

    Check out the PLACE (Projects Linking Arts, Community & Environment) development in Ventura CA

    Jim McDonough Jr., Ph.D.

    Board Chair/Imagineer

    The Park Theater Company
  • Rob Copeland
    commented 2016-04-29 13:21:49 -0500
    Rob Copeland here with Copeland Building Corp. Just seeing when this St. Louis Park might be out for bids? Love a shot to bid something there. Thanks for your time and consideration!

    Thank you!

    Rob Copeland


    Copeland Building Corp.

    P: 952-832-5302

    F: 952-832-5301

    C: 612-518-1418
    Building Quality

    Please note we are moving: Starting 12-30-15 our new mailing address is:

    7625 Metro Blvd. Suite 300

    Edina, MN 55439

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